Fixed Income Losses
Thought Your Investment was Low-Risk? No-Risk?
Over 35 years of Handling Fixed Income Cases on Wall Street and Across the Country
You agree to make an investment because you are told it’s so secure you can sleep at night without giving it a thought. Then it fails and you lose your principal. You discover you had taken on substantially more risk than you were ever aware of. Is it the broker’s fault for failing to disclose the inherent risks of that investment or strategy?
Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins LLP
Contact us online or call 212-705-0815
This problem frequently occurs with bonds. Below investment grade “junk bonds” to be specific. Because they are called “bonds,” many investors assume they are safe. A potential return of 10-15% makes them all the more attractive. Relying on the advice of a broker and unaware of the risks inherent in the junk bond, you invest money you can’t afford to lose.
Sometimes, recommending these bonds to a client is the result of simple negligence. Sometimes, however, brokers knowingly misrepresent risk in order to move these bonds out of their own inventory (and into the investor’s). Other times, the broker clearly advised the customer of those inherent risks to principal and the customer expressed a willingness to take that risk for the potential reward of higher interest payments.
At Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins LLP , we represent investors who have suffered fixed income losses as well as brokers facing unfounded charges of misconduct.
Nondisclosure of risk can constitute a serious breach of fiduciary duty. In such instances, you need a lawyer experienced in adversarial securities law. In addition, you need to know that you can trust your lawyer more than you trusted your broker. And that takes research.
Attorney David E. Robbins has handled claims of broker misconduct for over 35 years. Recognized nationally as a leading authority on securities disputes, Mr. Robbins writes the Securities Arbitration Procedure Manual, along with a prodigious number of articles.
If you would like to meet with Mr. Robbins to talk about fixed income losses, call us at 212-705-0815 or just contact our firm online.