Securities Law – Adversarial
Securities Litigation and Arbitration
Over 35 years of Experience ◊ New York Lawyer ◊ Nationwide Practice
No one can predict the future. When an investment fails, it’s usually because of normal, unpredictable market forces. But sometimes, more is at play. If a broker violates the profession’s standards that broker must be held responsible. For a broker unjustly accused of wrongdoing, such accusations require a strong defense.
Kaufmann Gildin & Robbins LLP
Contact us online or call 212-705-0815
These disputes must be resolved in an adversarial fashion, through securities arbitration. David E. Robbins is our lead securities attorney. He has practiced for over 35 years and is recognized nationwide as an authority on this highly specialized area of law.
Mr. Robbins is the author of the Securities Arbitration Procedure Manual, the definitive textbook on this subject, used daily by law schools, law firms and brokerage firms. He has written many articles on this topic and is frequently sought after by national news media for commentary on emerging issues.
Don’t Miss the Deadlines of Statutes of Limitations!
If you wait too long to file your arbitration, you will lose your right to file. If you suspect broker misconduct, don’t wait! Begin taking action right away.
Securities Litigation vs. Securities Arbitration
You may be able to choose whether to litigate your dispute in a public court or to arbitrate your case through FINRA or the American Arbitration Association. (More likely you will have no choice, being contractually bound to arbitrate.) While most securities disputes are resolved in arbitration, either can be advantageous depending on your circumstances.
For example, arbitration tends to be less expensive than litigation. But litigation tends to take much longer to resolve.
There are other factors to consider besides time and expense when deciding whether to arbitrate or litigate, assuming you have a choice. For example, some believe that FINRA arbitrators are biased in favor of brokerage firms. Trust the recommendations of your experienced attorney when making this important decision.
If you would like to discuss securities law, arbitration or litigation, call 212-705-0815 or contact our firm online.